Saturday, August 3, 2013

Comment Prévenir le Cancer- Brochure



I – La prévention générale du cancer est possible et nécessaire.[1]

1 – L’action contre le cancer doit s’effectuer à son stade initial.

L’examen de la « courbe de COLLINS », qui représente la végétation du cancer, montre qu'il faut attaquer le cancer à son stade initial, avant le stade d’irréversibilité (106 cellules).
En fixant l'objectif du traitement du cancer, comme on le fait toujours malheureusement,[2] à un préalable qui est l'émergence clinique, c'est-à-dire à 1 milliard de cellules, on agit sur le dernier stade de la végétation du cancer avec les résultats catastrophiques que l'on connaît, en ayant laissé végéter ce cancer, pendant les premiers 3/4 de la courbe de Collins sans intervenir. Or la période de début de la courbe est précisément celle où le cancer est le plus instable, le plus fragile, car sa masse est très réduite, et donc le plus vulnérable : l’action préventive intervient jusqu’au stade de 106 cellules. Attendre, déclare  volontiers le Docteur Gernez, « c'est laisser à un mutant « récessif » la possibilité de devenir « dominant. » Le sens commun veut qu'il soit plus facile d'écraser un gland qu'un chêne. »

Pour télécharger la Brochure aller à :
Comment Prévenir le Cancer Brochure

Et visit: 
Le BeHappy ...

[1] Cette question est longuement développée par le Docteur Gernez dans son livre : « La carcinogénèse : mécanisme et prévention. »
[2] Ceci, près de 40 ans après que le Docteur Gernez ait rendu publique ses propositions qui sont, nous le verrons, solidement étayées, et par ailleurs très facilement vérifiables, pourvu que les autorités politiques et scientifiques le décident.

Friday, August 2, 2013

3 Simple Ways to Be Happy Now

Do you ever feel unsatisfied or unhappy with now?

One life lesson we may learn too well is to seek
happiness in good things ahead. 

We look to that future moment when we'll get that
promotion, realize that dream, buy that special thing,
or take that vacation, as the time when we'll be happy. 

However, if that is your primary focus, you may find
yourself caught in the stress of forever-seeking and
never fully enjoy what is happening right now.

This tendency is a product of an important ability,
delaying gratification--which can be a good thing.  That
ability helps you to put your time and energy into what
is most important in the face of more immediate or
superficial pleasures.  Delaying gratification enables
you to pursue things of high value and deeper purpose.

Yet, these two experiences, enjoying what is happening
now and pursuing important long-term goals, need not
be viewed as an either/or choice.  They reflect two
primary skills that go well together--focus and intent. 

When you merge these two skills, you learn to be happy
now.  Let me give you three simple actions that develop
these skills and help you arrive at a state of present

1. Meditate

Meditation is a practice of "being present" by focusing
your attention in specific ways for a period of time.  As
you meditate, you learn to observe where your attention
is located. 

For example, you could be afraid about some future
possibility, worried about something that happened in the
past, or engaged in something that is happening now.  You
learn to recognize when your attention is drawn off to the
past or the future so you can return to the present. 

This is a skill that you develop with consistent practice
over time.

That is not to say that it is never productive to think
about the past or the future.  Reflection and planning are
important skills as well.  Yet, when you are unable to let
go of worry and fear, you lose your ability to consciously
choose your point of focus. 

Meditation teaches you to consciously focus your attention
in ways that are most appropriate and beneficial to yourself
and others.  You can then intentionally direct your actions
toward what is most important to you while also being more
fully engaged in what you are doing at the moment.

If you're interested in learning how to meditate, check out
this Program: Secrets of Meditation.

2. Appreciate

As you develop the ability to be present-focused, you start
to notice more detail in what is occurring inside and around
you.  You can taste this moment because your attention
is "here." 

You also discover that you can choose to focus on any
number of different details about what is happening.  For
example, you could look at events with an eye to finding
what is negative, disappointing, or wrong.  This might
lead you to look for someone to blame for that.  Then you
could complain about it.  Generally, that's a recipe for

On the other hand, you could choose to see what is good. 
You could actively look for what is going well and the
positive things that are possible because of these exact
circumstances.  Rather than finding fault in yourself,
others, and events, you could discover that everything is
set up just right for what needs to happen. 

You could appreciate "what is" and be grateful for it. 
This is a powerful intention to bring with you wherever
you go.

3. Shift Your State

As you learn to look at life through the lens of
appreciation, you'll likely discover that no matter how
strong your intention to do that, there will be times when
you don't.  There will be circumstances that challenge
your ability to find the good in them. 

Old habits of negativity, judgment, blame, and complaining
will get triggered and you'll lose your appreciative focus.

When that happens, see if you can catch yourself in the act,
and insert a mental pause.  See if you can observe your
reaction, without being consumed by it.  Witness your thoughts
and feelings with a light, curious attention. 

Understand that thoughts and feelings come and go--and
you have a choice about which ones you entertain and
maintain.  You can choose your focus in line with your
intent.  That is the key to being happy now.

That's all for today

Kevin & Matt
The Mind-Body Training Company

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Sleep at Will

Highly Recommended

We all know that taking some form of exercise can be a great help falling asleep.
Exercises help us get our mind and body nicely worked-out.

 When I include the mind, I mean that the energy that we usually direct to ‘thinking’- our habitual occupation of ‘working things out’ in our mind day-in day-out, overloading our brain and leaving our body unattended to and stressed – tends to be directed to the present action and therefore physical activities can be natural sleeping remedies.

Watching this short video will help you falling asleep.

Sleep at Will from Jim Katsoulis on Vimeo.
This is where you can get access Sleep at Will Program.

But, what if the word ‘exercise’ scares you away and you found, anyway, that you were nicely physically tired but still could not retire the mind enough to relax– eg thinking still going on preventing sleep, and regularly had the next day sleep deprivation symptoms such as being irritable and easily stressed, becoming attention-deficit, or the opposite, being so slow and having no energy for the day ahead and had to find other ways to get to sleep?

You’ll still need help to get better sleep It is the mind that prevents us keeping in touch with our bodily needs (which at this point is sleep), keeping our attention ‘up there’ in our head.
We are hypnotised by it.

Breathing being the bridge between the body and the energy, can really be a solution to return to feeling the body and learning how to calm down.

 And what if you found a way to ‘exercise’ but did not have to actually move your body or do any movements, do absolutely nothing - remain idle - just listen to instructions and learn to de-hypnotise from the mind?

I have come across a very easy method to do just that, it’s so easy you’ll laugh, but you’ll still have to do it. You’ll have to use hypnosis for sleep!

Listening to this short video above  will help you falling asleep ( and will show you the way to get away from medicinal drugs and sleepless nights).

It works for me.  

Friday, July 5, 2013

Poppular Meditation Myths Exposed

Though meditation is the getting a lot of positive
press these days, there are still many misconceptions
about what it is, what it does, and who it's for. 

Let's talk about some common apprehensions about
meditation and reveal it as a natural, scientifically-
validated, human ability that has powerful benefits
anyone can enjoy.

So what are some common misconceptions about meditation?

In my years of teaching and writing about meditation, I
often find that people think of meditation as some kind
of "exotic" or "esoteric" activity.  For many people it
has a "woo-woo" connotation.  It's what New Age folks
do or it's for those who want to give up their lives and
go live in an ashram in India and follow a guru. 

Looking at many people and groups who promote meditation,
you could easily and logically come to that conclusion. 
Many of the groups who engage in meditation also live
alternative lifestyles.  However, it's important to
separate meditation itself from the lifestyles of some
who practice it.

In essence, the technique of meditation is simply
focusing your attention in specific ways for a period
of time to shift your state of being and develop your
inner skills.  Let's look at this more scientific and
straightforward view of meditation.

As long ago as 1971, Dr. Herbert Benson, Associate
Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School,
published research on what he called "the relaxation
response."  The relaxation response is a natural
human physiological ability that comes from activating
your parasympathetic nervous system, your body's
natural recovery mode.  The relaxation response
provides a natural counter-balance to your stress
response or "fight or flight" mode, which happens
when you get revved up to handle life's pressures and

Dr. Benson discovered that through a simple meditation
practice you can train your body to relax.  Here is a
summary of Dr. Benson's six steps (adapted from Dr.
Benson's book "The Relaxation Response" p.

1. Sit quietly in a comfortable position

2. Close your eyes

3. Progressively relax your muscles from head to toe

4. Become conscious of your breathing.  Breathe in and
out through your nose.  As you exhale, mentally repeat
a one syllable word such as "one" or whatever works
best to give you a sense of inner peace and comfort.

5. Continue for 10-20 minutes

6. Maintain a relaxed accepting attitude toward any
thoughts or feelings that arise.  When you notice them,
let them go, and return to paying attention to your
breathing and your word.

The more you practice this, the better you get at
relaxing your body and quieting your mind.  You train
yourself to activate your relaxation response, just
like you'd train any other natural ability.  Many
people also find that meditation makes them feel more
comfortable in their own skin, more accepting of
themselves and others, and better able to make good
decisions in their lives. 

By practicing meditation regularly, you'll shift away
from feeling like a victim of the circumstances around
you.  Instead, you discover that you are able to calmly
recognize what is happening and choose what is best for
yourself and others.

In deeper states of meditation, many people feel
oneness with Life.  Many people use meditation as a
way to prepare themselves to effectively engage in their
other mental training, emotional release, or spiritual

So you can see that there's nothing too far out in
this approach to meditation.  Yes, there are many
different meditation styles.  Depending on your
interests, there are many different objects that you
can focus your attention on. 

Yet, in essence, meditation is about developing your
natural inner skills of attention, concentration,
relaxation, presence, and awareness.  You can practice
these skills and benefit from them no matter what your
belief system or lifestyle. 

Remember, meditation is a natural human ability.

Enjoy your practice!

Kevin & Matt
The Mind-Body Training Company

P.S. Practicing meditation is one of the best ways to
bring more peace and joy into your life.  For a solid
grounding in the basics of meditation, energized breathing
and manifesting what you desire with the Law of Attraction,
check out this program:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6 Simple Sounds for Radiant Health

This 13 minutes program ebook and videos , the 6 Simple Sounds, is particularly useful for helping with and even curing :

coronary disease
bronchitis and tracheitis
illnesses of the digestive tract (stomach and intestines)
diabetes and neurasthenia

It shows you how to free your body and mind of the negative energy that can otherwise - especially in mid-life - easily develop into illness.
You will also absorb new positive energy to heal and re-invigorate your whole system, which will also help cure any existing difficult conditions.

Chinese people have used these 6 Simple Sounds for over 2000 years to remain healthy through a lot of strife...

With easy, slow physical movements and deep, calm breathing, this is a simple, easy method to learn, completely safe for anyone (including the chair-bound) - yet an enjoyable, powerful way to improve your health and well-being! 6 Simple Sounds

In other words you take your health in your own hands.

So, if you're looking for an easy, natural self-help solution for most of your health problems then this program is for you. This is an ideal exercise for seniors, chair-bound people and a fantastic beginner exercise program.

Also, the Simple Sounds program greatly helps with difficult, everyday conditions:


Each short exercise is demonstrated in an online video clip.
An easy to follow, step-by-step written guide in PDF format supports the videos.

The guide notes include all necessary instructions and specific healing indications for each exercise and might very well be the only exercise routine you'll ever need!

Only $14.95
Contact Francoise Here

If you have any questions about the program I’d be happy to help.
My name is Francoise Bonhoure and I’m fully qualified as a Tai Chi and Qigong teacher, from the Ministry of Sports, Paris , 1999.

To your health,
Francoise Bonhoure

Self Improvement from

Releasing Terminator

Today, I'm going to reveal what I believe to be *the* THREE
ultimate releasing tricks! (They work for me - you can try them
and decide for yourself!) If you've ever struggled with
negative emotions, negative stories, negative beliefs, and
patterns, then I think you're going to love this....
If you ever found yourself telling yourself a limiting story
about the past or the future, or if you ever found yourself
saying, "Man, I should never have gone zip lining" (or
whatever), then I think you're actually going to enjoy the
questions you can ask yourself to let it all go!
Actually, it really doesn't matter what pattern you find
yourself stuck in. You can ask use these three tricks and
you'll find yourself dissolving even the most stubborn
limitations. Armed with these 3 techniques, you'll be the
ultimate "releasing terminator"! You'll be armed with the
most sophisticated clearing weaponry on the planet to zap
through any block in an instant!
Are you ready, here we go:
Advanced Releasing Technique #1: The power of "F*** it"!
I actually got this from a book a friend recommended. It's
called "F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way" by John C.
Parkin. I never actually read the book, but I dare to say I
think I have understood and internalized the philosophy. Next
time you're in the grip of some negative emotion or story, just
say to yourself "F*** It". Or say to yourself, "So what,
animal?" and that's another great variation on the theme. Try
Advanced Releasing Technique #2: "Is that all there is?"
I got this technique from the brilliant writers on Oprah's
newsletter (?), but it's still one of the best ;) The key to
this technique is being open to whether the answer is yes or no.
Why does it work? Here's my theory. There are several ways
one might interpret the meaning of the question. Is it asking
specifically about the "problem," or more generally than
that? The non-specific nature of the questions causes your
unconscious to answer all possible meanings, which does a couple
of things.
First, it helps you to be more allowing of the problem and
the possibility that there may still be more to come up. Second,
it opens you up to new world of possibility waiting for you
outside the artificial confines of the "problem". OK, that's
enough analysis for one day. Just try the question and see what
happens, OK Matthew?
Advanced Releasing Technique #3: Crescere Absurdi (Increase To
What if you were to increase both the scope and intensity of the
"problem" by a factor or 10, 100, 1000, or even one million?
For example, if you were feeling a bit worried about a
situation not working out, try exaggerating the problem to
ridiculous proportions. This one situation not working out is
now the catalyst for all kinds of quantum absurd consequences
that affect every day of your entire life and the entire history
of the universe! Get the idea? The key with this technique is
to exaggerate it to the point of it being totally
unbelievable. Throw in some circus music and flashing colors
for extra effect. Enjoy!
So I hope you enjoy what I consider to be the "triple gem"
(TM) clearing technologies. Armed with these powerful
techniques, you are like an unstoppable releasing terminator,
ready to wreak untold destruction on those pesky limiting
beliefs and stories.
Are you ready?