Saturday, February 12, 2011

Breakthrough Secrets in "The King's Speech"

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February 12th, 2011
Previous newsfeed  issues:

Breakthrough Secrets in "The King's Speech"

The movie "The King's Speech," starring Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, and Helena Bonham Carter, shares a powerful example of personal breakthrough using mind-body training. In it, Geoffrey Rush, who plays speech therapist Lionel Logue for the stuttering King George the VI, employs several essential ingredients of personal-growth.

First of all, and much to the King's initial distaste, Logue insists on establishing a relationship of equals based on self-honesty and honest communication
. He establishes a rapport of friendship with the King, who has never had any relationship outside the conventional proprieties of royalty. Logue dares to overstep these boundaries and model a different way of being for the King. Within the safe space of friendship the King eventually feels free to be himself, the person he is underneath his royal role playing.

Then, Logue gets the King to exercise his body, vocalize freely, and generally "loosen up."
He has the King jump up and down, shake out his face, lips, tongue, arms, and legs, and roll on the ground to become physically fluid as a way to become more fluid in his self-expression and his speech.

The result is that the King is able to make a major radio broadcast speech that explains to his people why they are entering World War II. His speech was not in any way an oratory masterpiece, but it was genuine and authentic and he connected to people's hearts. In the process, he also connected to "who he was" and "what he was there to do" in a way that was true to him. He found his authentic voice.

Mind-body training is about engaging in practices that free us from insecurities and self-imposed limitations while cultivating our fullest capacities, so we can live from our Core and realize our purpose in being here now.

Courtesy of Kevin Schoeninger

Enjoy your practice,

P.S. For a simple, yet powerful practice to release feelings that are holding you back, check out this free Core Energy Technique by clicking here:

All the Best,
Francoise Bonhoure

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